Monday, May 20, 2013

Black Soybean Stew

Black Soybean Stew

I made these in a cooking class recently and they were so delicious, I thought I would share the recipe with you. Black soybeans are a super food as they can help to keep our bones, joints, bladder, reproductive and kidneys strong. They are also very good for any lung issues especially asthma and coughs. This dish is packed with protein and is nourishing and relaxing. Black soybean juice, it is also soothing to those vocal chords so if you love to sing have an extra serving. Enjoy!


1 cup black soybeans soaked overnight with a pinch of sea salt
1 dried shiitake soaked and diced
1 burdock washed and diced
1 carrot washed and diced
1 stick celery washed and diced
1 onion diced
1 cup winter squash cut into cubes
3 inch piece kombu rinsed
Pinch sea salt
1 tablespoon shoyu
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 teaspoon fresh ginger
1 tablespoon kuzu diluted in a little cold water
Spring water
Parsley for garnish


Layer the following ingredients in the pressure cooker; kombu, shiitake, onions, celery, squash, carrot, burdock, and beans. Make sure there is enough water to just cover the beans; use the soaking water and any additional water as needed.
Pressure cook the beans for an hour, remove from the heat and take down the pressure.
Add the salt and return to a medium flame.
Cook for three minutes and then add the shoyu and  maplesyrup. Add more if desired.
Cook for a further five minutes and then add the ginger and kuzu. Gently mix the beans and place a large bowl and serve garnished with parsley.

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